About Me

Hello, My name is Suzanne and I am writing this blog to share my life experience as an artist, designer and person of faith. It is my hope to encourage, motivate, uplift and support those who seek to use their God given gifts and talents to serve. For it is by God we are all endowed with such gifts, and talents, and it is to God's good work that they can be returned. All the artwork and content posted on this site is the property of Suzanne VanRaemdonck. There is a registered copyright and trademark and cannot be reproduced without specific contractual agreement given by the artist and author.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Little Brick House

This is the house my husband's father built along with his father,(my husband's grand father)which along with caring for dad we now maintain.
I made this painting for him for his 86th birthday. He was delighted.


Our Parents

I don't know how it happened, but it seems to me that our society has become dishonorable to our elders.
We push them to the background as if they are invisable.
I guess knowone wants to look at getting old so they are simply swept out of the way.
They are kept apart from families and society, sent to nursing homes and assisted living facilaties because knowone has the time or the room for them in their lives.
How Very Sad.

My father in-law turned 88 this month. By moving into his home with him, and taking on the role as his sole care givers, we have made great sacrifices so that he would be able to stay in his own home. Not the least of which has been butting heads with family members over differences of openion about the handling of his affairs and household.
This is unfortunately more the norm rather than the exception, as I have discovered in talking to others who have cared for their elder parents, as well as the professionals who are involved with helping us care for dad.

Now it is begening with my own mother who is all the way on the other side of the country from me. She had 6 children. Two of them have passed away and none of us still lives in the same state as her, or each other.
My sister and I are begening to deal with which direction to take for her care. She is 82 and has recently had surgery on her back.
I am glad that my husband and I have always stuck to our convictions about working at home so that we are now in a position to do this for Dad.
Now there just needs to be 2 of me.

Count Your Blessings.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today the topic of our service at church was, Greed.

I have to admit I am a little confused over this in regard to money.
On the one hand we're taught that we're supposed to be satisfied with what we have, content and happy with whatever the Lord provides us with.
But then you have someone like Joel Osteen who teaches us that God wants us to have a prosperous and bountiful life, which I believe is true.
I think it is important that each of us strives to be all that God intended us to be.
So you have to wonder, "If I am stepping out in faith and facing my fears to live a life that serves God, but I don't see any fruit from my efforts...am I on the right track? Did I understand Him correctly? Have I made a mistake?

Is it wrong to aim higher?
To think bigger?

If that were true we would never have computers, heart transplants, or huge ministries that reach people all over the globe via television instead of just small town churches.

I would imagine the problem lies not with the desire to aim higher or think bigger, but with what you do with what you have, or what you want to do with what you hope to have that matters.
Of course we must ask ourselves...Why do I want this?

I think as human beings we cannot completely let go of feelings of greed, ego, etc.
All we can do is try to keep them in check.

I guess the question is...How do we find that middle ground of trusting that God has us in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, doing exactly what he intended for us to do, if what we are attempting to do doesn't seem to be going anywhere?

I welcome your input and opinions,
I'm always trying to grow.


Birdhouse Garden

Original Painting by Suzanne VanRaemdonck c. 2010.
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Canvas.

Now available.
Price: $105.00

You may purchase this painting and other artwork, both originals and reproductions in the form of note cards at, ArtisticNatureDotCom.etsy.com.

Thanks for your interest in our art and ministry.
25% of the profits from all of our art goes to local church outreach programs, and charitable organizations.
