This time of year I can hardly stand another cold dreary day. This is the time when I begin to look forward to the warmer days of spring and summer and begin to think about flowers. Both the ones I have planted in the past, and the ones I hope to plant this year...heavy sigh.
To me flowers are a gift from God. They bring so much joy with their beauty and fragrance. I could sit outside all day just gawking at them. Of course every time I go out to enjoy them, I can never do so without also thinking...hmmm, I need to prune this, and pull that weed, and may be a water feature over here, or a new bed over there.
My son once said to me "Gosh mom, can't you just enjoy what's here?".
Gardening is sort of like painting for me. I can always find another spot for more color, texture, or interest. I'm always trying to improve.
I love this little poem, and it is so true for me.
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
You are nearer God's heart in a garden,
Than anywhere else on earth.
Speaking of my son...I just found out that he has won an award for his outstanding work in Neuro Science at U.C.L.A. Which is where he will attain his Ph.D. soon.
Of course I can't mention my son without also saying that my daughter, who is only 20years old is already the manager of the store she has been working at for the last year or so.
I am a very proud mom.